Monday, May 2, 2011

kuiper chapter 9

Q. How can you plan the presentation?
Answer: Effective oral presentation requires extensive preparation. In many ways preparing an oral report is much like composing a written report.
1. Analyze the context:
The communication context encompasses the internal environment and the external environment. Major aspects of context analysis for an oral report, therefore, are determining the characteristics of the intended audience.
- Physical environment.
2. Select delivery style.
Five options are available for a delivery mode: impromptu, extemporaneous, textual or spiritual, memorized, and combination.
3. Outline the presentation:
A simple yet effective outline structure for an oral report consists of four parts: the opening, a preview or partition statement, the body, and the conclusion. Each must be worded to formulate a coherent speech that accomplishes your reporting purpose, and the parts must be connected by meaningful transitions.
4. Preparing and using presentation aids:
Presentation aids are any audio or visual tools you use to supplement your spoken message.
-          Selecting appropriate presentation aids.
-          Using presentation software.

Q. How can you manage question answer sessions?
Answer: Some speaking situation requires that the speaker give the audience an opportunity to ask questions. At other times, the speaker may simply want to involve the audience by following a presentation with a question and answer session.
-  Informal presentation.
- Formal presentation.

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