Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kuiper Chapter One

Chapter One
Q .write down the function of business report?
Answer: business reports are organized, objective presentations of observations experiences or facts used in the decision making process.
Ø  Organized
As an organized presentation a report must be planned and presented with both the receiver needs and the senders objectives in mind. Two basic structures for most messages are the indirect and the direct structures.

Objective presentation of observations:
Since reports are used in the decision making process a report user must be able to trust the information contained in a report.
The decision making process:
Some reports supply information necessary for decision making others convey information about decision that have bend made and must be implemented

Q. writes down the classification of business report?
Answer: to understand the similarities and differences among report considers six ways in which reports may be classified. These are given bellow:
Reports typically served on of two major functions. To inform or to analyze.
Reports are often classified by frequency of transmitting
Subject matter
Some organizations classify report by broad subject areas
Level of formality
Level of formality includes both tone and structures
Reader writer relationship
Reader writher classification refers to the relationships that those parties have to one another.
Communication medium
When classified by the dominant communication tool or medium reports are called written or oral narrative or statistical, illustrated or unillustrated

Q. what are the characteristics of effective reports?
Answer: the characteristics of effective reports are given below

Q. what is ethical consideration related to report writing?
Avoid any manipulative language: language can be manipulated to modify or musk reality.
False impression
Imprecise language
Missing or omitted information
False or inaccurate information
Deemphasized or suppressing important information