Chap 16
1. What are the parts of the formal business report?
Many relatively lengthy are prepared in a formal style. A characteristic of a formal business report is the inclusion of several parts that are not include in less formal reports.
1. Report Preliminaries:
The preliminary parts of a formal report help to make the report user-friendly. Those parts provide convenient way to physically transmit the report, establish a context for understanding it, and enable the reader to locate specific information easily. Some preliminary part may be omitted when justified by the length of the report, the complexity of the topic, or the formality of the situation.
Ø Cover or blinder
Ø Flyleaves
Ø Title page
Ø Transmittal message
Ø Authorization message
Ø Acceptance message
Ø Table of contents
Ø List of the table or figure
Ø Foreword or preface
Ø Acknowledgements
Ø Synopsis or executive summary
2. Report Body:
Write the report body so clearly and completely that a reader will understand its contents even if the person merely skims the preliminary parts. When the report is written in inductive structure, the title is followed by a coherent introduction; a complete presentation, discussion and summary of findings and for an analytical report – conclusions and recommendations.
Ø Introduction
Ø Presentation and discussion of findings
Ø Summary , conclusions and recommendations
3. Report supplements:
The supplements to a report include any information that may be useful- but not essential- for understanding the analysis, conclusion and recommendation. Supplements may include endnotes, a bibliography or source list, a glossary , an appendix and an index.
Ø Endnotes
Ø Bibliography, source list or references
Ø Glossary
Ø Appendix
Ø Index
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