Monday, May 2, 2011

kuiper chapter 13

Chap 13
1.     How can we acquire primary data?
Primary data are data acquired at their sources. Commonly used primary data sources for business research are company record; people, such as employees, customers and suppliers and phenomena such as activities and processes.
Methods to obtain information from those sources are either active or passive.
Passive Methods:
Passive data collection methods used by business researchers include search of company records, observation and some forms of experimentation.
·         Search of company records
·         Observation
·         Experimentation

Active method:
                      Active method involves questioning subjects. Questioning is an appropriate data collection method when the information you need consists of knowledge, attitudes, opinions or beliefs. In many situations, questioning is the only way to obtain necessary data.

·         Interview
·         Focus group interviews
·         Questionnaire surveys
·         Electronic surveys

2. What are preparing instrument to collect primary data?

Primary data collection tools consist of observation forms, questionnaires and interview guides. To design those tools, you must understand some basic concepts about measurement and measurement scales.
1.      Measurement and measurement scales are:

·         Nominal
·         Ordinal
·         Interval
·         Ratio

2.      Criteria for instrument design are:
·         Content
·         Language
·         Format

3.      Guides for transmittal messages
·         Use an interesting opening that focuses on the receiver, not the sender, of the massage.
·         Provide enough identifying information to legitimate your request.
·         Indicate the role of the participants and the protections that are extended to them
·         Specify exactly what is required
·         Offer an inducement to participate, if possible.

4.      Testing and revising instruments

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