Q. What is planning the research?
Answer: A report about a complex problem begins with a research plan, which becomes a guide for a collecting data, analyzing data, and reporting the result of the analysis. A twelve part research plan is given below:
-Obtain or review authorization.
-Identify the audience.
-define the problem.
-Clarify the purpose.
-Narrow the scope.
- State delimitations and limitations.
-Plan data collections.
-Plan data analysis.
-Estimate time schedule.
-Estimate resources needed.
-Plan presentation of results.
- Seek approval to proceed.
Q. What is the research proposal?
Answer: The objective of a business proposal is to persuade another person or to do something the proposer thinks will be beneficial for the organization and its stakeholders. In the case of a research proposal, the objective is to persuade the recipient to authorized the time and money required to carry out a significant research project.
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