Monday, May 2, 2011

kuiper chapter 18

Q. What are the components and contents of a business plan?
Answer: There is no standard template that all business plans must fit. Among experts who advice enter pruners, write entrepreneurship textbooks, or themselves regularly invest in new ventures.
Preliminary components:
Cover page.
Table of contents
Executive summary
Body: concept and product
The business concept
The product
Body: The industry and the market
The industry
The market
Body: Venture strategy and plans
Venture strategy: Differentiation or cost advantage?
Marketing plan
Operational plan
Management plan
Body: Risks, contingencies, and future development
Risk and contingencies
Future development
Body: Financial plan
Pro forma financial statements
Proposed deal structure

kuiper chapter 17

Chap 17
1. What is the importance of policies, procedures and instructions?

Well written policies, procedure and instruction contribute to organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Although these documents have common characteristics, they differ in why they are written and how they are used. Policies define an organizations view on specific issues or problems and indicate how the organization will handle problems when they arise.

2. What are the guides for policies, procedure and instructions?


Policies, procedure and instruction can be difficult to write because language is easily misinterpreted. For that reason, these documents are often drafted, reviewed by experts and revised many times before they are released. However, the basic guides for writing these items are similar.
Ø  Analyze audience
Ø  Identify context
Ø  Define goal
Ø  Use appropriate writing style and document design

3.     What type of manual employee used?
An employee manual, sometimes called a personnel policy manual, provides single sources for all policies and procedures related to the employee-employer relationship. The manual is an important tool to ensure consistency in supervisory decisions and to inform employees of their rights responsibilities with the respect to employment.

kuiper chapter 16

Chap 16
1.     What are the parts of the formal business report?
Many relatively lengthy are prepared in a formal style. A characteristic of a formal business report is the inclusion of several parts that are not include in less formal reports.

1.      Report Preliminaries:
The preliminary parts of a formal report help to make the report user-friendly. Those parts provide convenient way to physically transmit the report, establish a context for understanding it, and enable the reader to locate specific information easily. Some preliminary part may be omitted when justified by the length of the report, the complexity of the topic, or the formality of the situation.

Ø  Cover or blinder
Ø  Flyleaves
Ø  Title page
Ø  Transmittal message
Ø  Authorization message
Ø  Acceptance message
Ø  Table of contents
Ø  List of the table or figure
Ø  Foreword or preface
Ø  Acknowledgements
Ø  Synopsis or executive summary

2.      Report Body:
Write the report body so clearly and completely that a reader will understand its contents even if the person merely skims the preliminary parts. When the report is written in inductive structure, the title is followed by a coherent introduction; a complete presentation, discussion and summary of findings and for an analytical report – conclusions and recommendations.

Ø  Introduction
Ø  Presentation and discussion of findings
Ø  Summary , conclusions and recommendations

3.      Report supplements:
The supplements to a report include any information that may be useful- but not essential- for understanding the analysis, conclusion and recommendation. Supplements may include endnotes, a bibliography or source list, a glossary , an appendix and an index.

Ø  Endnotes
Ø  Bibliography, source list or references
Ø  Glossary
Ø  Appendix
Ø  Index

kuiper chapter 15

Q. what is the purposes of visual aids?
Answer:  we should use visual aids to
Rent force
Add interest
Improve credibility
Increase coherences
Q. what are the criteria for effective visual aids?
Principals of graphics
Identification and placement
Q. what is choosing and contracting visual aids?
Bar charts: a bar chart is a graphic that uses two or more rectangles alone with vertical and horizontal excises two represent information. Bar charts are used to compare discrete quantitative information such as the number of females and males in a training program.
Pie charts: a pie chart is a circle divided in two segments. The circle represents the whole amount and each segment presents a proportion of the whole. A pie chart is effective when you want to emphasize relative proportions.
Line charts: a line chart consists of a vertical exist a horizontal exis or more plotted lines.
Relationship charts: a relationship chart shows house several non-numeric factors act together.
Table: both formal and informal tables are used in report. A table consists of column and rows of quantities data alone with labels to identify date.
Statistical maps: